Garage 41 Coffee
Dark Roast - Honduras
Dark Roast - Honduras
Mellow cocoa and peanut flavors with mild tart acidity.
This roast from Honduras will deliver a mild cup with tart acidity and peanut and cocoa flavours. A great option for those that enjoy the dark roast flavour that comes from getting the bean to second crack. (This coffee does not contain peanuts in any way, it is simply the flavour the bean is able to produce.)
CAFESCOR stands for Cafés Especiales Corquin, a certified-organic Fairtrade association of 131 producers that was founded in 2014 in Lempira, Honduras. These farms are on "the other side of the mountain" from Chalatenango, El Salvador, which is the region in that country where we have found the best-cupping coffees.
Association: CAFESCOR
Country: Honduras
Variety: Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, IHCAFE 90, and Lempira
Altitude: 1200-1700 masl
Process Method: Washed
Harvest Schedule: December-March